NoSQL Roadshow Amsterdam 2012

Presentation: "Putting the mongo in MongoDB"

Time: Thursday 16:00 - 16:45 / Location: To be announced

MongoDB is a document database that's popular both because of the flexibility it offers and because of the large data volumes it can handle. In this presentation we will provide a closer look at how replica sets and sharding in MongoDB can help you to scale both your reads and your writes to deal with 'web scale' data, what common deployment topologies are and what gotchas you need to be aware of in order to truly put the mongo in MongoDB!

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Joris Kuipers, Manager Technology Delivery at Trifork Amsterdam

Joris Kuipers

Biography: Joris Kuipers

Joris is the Manager Technology Delivery for Trifork Amsterdam, a Dutch Java-based full solution provider. He worked as a SpringSource consultant and trainer for 5 years and has 14 years of experience in designing and building Enterprise Java applications. Joris' specialties revolve mostly around the server-side of applications, and as such he is one of the driving factors behind Trifork Amsterdam's partnership with 10gen, the company behind MongoDB.